Installation Error
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Forgive me if this is the wrong channel for this, I've not used github very much. I'm getting an error when trying to install. I first installed devtools, and then ran the command:
I was asked to update packages, which I did, and then got this error. I can't seem to find a way around it:
"Error: Failed to install 'lmem.sim' from GitHub: System command 'R' failed, exit status: 1, stdout + stderr: E> * checking for file ‘/private/var/folders/bs/q0lxt28s393bjs4ttm2fqb5c0000gn/T/RtmpgDIZuW/remotes12310627baefa/debruine-lmem_sim-2b8a55a/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK E> * preparing ‘lmem.sim’: E> * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK E> Warning in grepl(e, files, perl = TRUE, = TRUE) : E> PCRE pattern compilation error E> 'quantifier does not follow a repeatable item' E> at '~' E> Error in grepl(e, files, perl = TRUE, = TRUE) : E> invalid regular expression '~' E> Execution halted"
I'm using R version 4.0.3 on a macbook.