
where should I put the headers/libraries?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi dec1,
I have built the result with static and shared libraries in install/ folder, and I put the headers into <{NDK_dir}/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/include>, and put libraries into <{NDK_dir}/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-android/29>, x86_64 is my android emulator processor architecure, 29 is the android API version I want to user, NDK version is r21. But the result seems my project can find the header, but cannot find *.so
Are include and libraries folder right, thanks a lot.

dec1 commented

You dont need to copy anything into NDK_DIR.

Please see the example app
You should be able to just "open" it with Android studio.
It shows you exactly where you need to specify headers, libs etc

dec1 commented

You dont have to put them anywhere. You just make sure your project "points" to the whereever they are.
See the example app eg here and here.
Based on the default the build location