
Simple embeds

jerrygreen opened this issue · 1 comments


Currently, embeds simply duplicate the entire loom editor.

And while the editor itself is cool and all, I really like editing those files – but in embeds, I want something like this:

I.e. cool syntax allowing to filter and sort, but end-goal is to have a basic md table.


Maybe it's possible to take the groundwork behind obsidian-csv-table and make it compatible with .loom format, – of course, though, it's hell lot of work.

For example:

source: my_loom_file.loom
filter: population < 100000000

Or like this:

source: my_loom_file.loom
sortBy: name

Would generate simple embedded «pure markdown» table like this:

name population
Colombia 50340000
Russia 144400000
United States of America 328200000

Greate idea !