
DataLoom is no longer maintained

decaf-dev opened this issue · 9 comments

Hey guys. I have decided to no longer maintain DataLoom. With the release of the new Obsidian table editor in 1.5.0, DataLoom has become less relevant. I foresee that the Obsidian team will implement more features into this native editor that will be more suited for Obsidian ecosystem.

DataLoom is also complex enough that I do not have time now to work on it by myself. From embedded views, to mobile support, to markdown editing support, there's a lot going on in this repository.

There are also key features missing from DataLoom that cannot be implemented, such as the ability to search through the files using the native Obsidian search pane, incoming/outgoing links, connecting into the graph view, etc.

I have a had a lot of fun developing DataLoom and I have appreciated all of the support.

Please open an issue if you have any issues exporting your data.

I also recommend that you check out the Vault Explorer plugin. It mimics the "sources" feature of DataLoom. It has been built in Svelte for easier contributions, smaller build size, and faster speed.


Had a good run! Thanks a lot!

Many thanks for all the amazing work you've put into DataLoom! 🙏

Would you mark the repo archived.. in order to clarify the maintenance state?

Would you mark the repo archived.. in order to clarify the maintenance state?

I will in a few weeks if I don't get any issues for export bugs.

Would you mark the repo archived.. in order to clarify the maintenance state?

I will in a few weeks if I don't get any issues for export bugs.

Ahh, that's thoughtful of you, thanks for clarifying!

Will the plugin still be available for those who want to continue using it at their own risk?

Or are you planning to withdraw it from Obsidian?

I don't really want to move my tables to the native Obsidian tables.

Will the plugin still be available for those who want to continue using it at their own risk?

Or are you planning to withdraw it from Obsidian?

I don't really want to move my tables to the native Obsidian tables.

I can keep it as an available plugin, if that is helpful. I don't know what the Obsidian policy on this is though.

I can keep it as an available plugin, if that is helpful. I don't know what the Obsidian policy on this is though.

I doubt they’ll remove it. I’ve found many plugins that haven’t been updated for two or three years, so I don’t see any reason why they would remove yours.
