Error loading the CMS configuration YAMLSyntaxError: Document contains trailing content not separated by a ... or --- line at line 4, column 7:
bhargavmoveo opened this issue · 0 comments
bhargavmoveo commented
Error loading the CMS configuration
Config Errors:
YAMLSyntaxError: Document contains trailing content not separated by a ... or --- line at line 4, column 7:
if(true) {
Check your config.yml file.
Here is my config.yml
`media_folder: static/img
public_folder: /img
- name: pages
label: Pages
files:- file: src/pages/
label: Home Page
name: index
fields:- label: Template Key
name: templateKey
widget: hidden
default: index-page - label: Home Banner
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fields:- label: Banner Content
name: bannertitle
widget: string
required: false - label: Strane Banner Logo
name: stranebannerlogo
widget: object
fields:- label: Image
name: image
widget: image
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name: alt
widget: string
required: false
- label: Image
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widget: object
fields:- label: Image
name: image
widget: image
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name: alt
widget: string
required: false
- label: Image
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name: image
widget: image
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name: alt
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required: false
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required: false
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name: homeyellowcartblock
widget: object
fields:- label: Image
name: image
widget: image
required: false - label: Alt
name: alt
widget: string
required: false
- label: Image
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name: image
widget: image
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required: false
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name: stranetwoblocks
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fields:- label: Strane first block
name: stranefirstblock
widget: object
fields:- label: Strabe block logo
name: straneblocklogo
widget: object
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widget: string
required: false
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widget: object
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required: false
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widget: string
- label: Strabe block logo
- label: Strane first block
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name: tab1
widget: object
fields:- label: Vap cloud image
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widget: object
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name: alt
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required: false
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name: alt
widget: string
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required: false
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fields:- label: Image
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name: alt
widget: string
required: false
- label: Image
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name: alt
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required: false
- label: Image
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name: alt
widget: string
required: false
- label: Image
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widget: string
required: false
- label: Image
- label: Signature content
- label: Signature section left
- label: Template Key
- file: src/pages/findastore/
label: Findstore
name: findastore
fields:- label: Template Key
name: templateKey
widget: hidden
default: findastore-page - label: Storeaddress
name: storeaddress
widget: list
fields:- label: Storename
name: storename
widget: string - label: Storeaddress
name: storeaddress
widget: text - label: storeCity
name: storecity
widget: string - label: Storestate
name: storestate
widget: string - label: Storezip
name: storezip
widget: string - label: Storenumber
name: storenumber
widget: string
required: false - label: Storeemail
name: storeemail
widget: string
required: false - label: Storeurl
name: storeurl
widget: string
required: false - label: Storelat
name: storelat
widget: string - label: Storelng
name: storelng
widget: string
- label: Storename
- label: Template Key
- file: src/pages/