
Advanced Setup 502 Error, Nginx conf

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I've followed the Advanced Setup instructions and doubled check everything, and everything works except for one part: the nginx configuration

I've gotten nginx and the SSL certbot working, and I get the default html file. I'm even able to stream to the server using OBS and see that a index.m3u8 file is present on the server.

But when I go and edit the nginx file using nano /etc/nginx/enabled-sites/default and restart nginx, I get a 502 bad gateway error.

And If I change the config back to root /var/www/html again etc. it works again. I'm fairly certain at this point that there's an issue with the edited nginx file, whether I edited it wrong or the instructions are unclear.

This is what appears in the console:
urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: IP address mismatch, certificate is not valid for <ip address>