
Should holders have to authorize themselves to updateLandData?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Currently a holder must do that in order to modify land data, here's an example test on how that works:

it('returns land data for a given set of parcel coordinates', async () => {
  await land.authorizeOperator(user, true, sentByUser)
  await land.updateLandData(0, 1, 'test_data', sentByUser)
  const data = await land.landData(0, 1, sentByUser)'test_data')

Is this necessary? If so, why?

Agree, we may need to change the modifier of the _update function from

function updateLandData(int x, int y, string data) public onlyOperator(x, y) {
    return _update(encodeTokenId(x, y), data);


function updateLandData(int x, int y, string data) public onlyOperatorOrHolder(x, y) {
    return _update(encodeTokenId(x, y), data);

Good catch!

Agree, we will change the modifier to support Operators and Holders.