Proposal: rename DAO to something else.
jaekwon opened this issue · 5 comments
The Decentralists Forum, say.
There can be a DAO component but primarily it serves as a forum for bringing ecosystem projects together.
Objective of the decentralist not dissimilar to cellular biology.
Gene expression, metabolism, intracellular transport and communication, cell–cell interactions, locomotion, growth.
Committee work advances from prophase to telophase.
Aligned with "science" naming conventions in the ecosystem.
Can signal what it means to have "life," in the Cosmos.
I was wondering more along the lines of, what is it, within the "decentralists", like a noun rather than a pronoun.
Or do you mean to replace "decentralists"?
Like Decentralists/WorkingGroup
I think instead of WorkingGroup something like TheAssembly, CollaborativeCommons, ProjectHub, EcosystemExchange all might have a bit of a mightier, ethereal ring to them.
"An atom (from Greek ἄτομος, atomos, indivisible) is the chemically smallest part of an element. Contrary to the original meaning of the word, nowadays atoms are considered to consist of smaller parts".
Describes minimalism, contains smaller particles that the Atom gives vitality to and which feed back the Atom (Cosmos/Ecosystem). At the same time, indivisibility, a united front/resistance that holds up in the now apparently divided community.