
Approving new work item

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Technically approving a new work item is a WG consensus decision and not the role of the chairs. They are naturally part of the consensus, but the decision should fall on the WG members (Active ones) to make a decision.

wyc commented

Thanks! Is there a reference to the DIF bylaws/charter for this? Would be happy to use that same language to update our process for more collaborative decision making.


The charter 4.1 "Decision Making" includes the following:

"Consensus/Voting/Approval. The Steering Committee and each Working Group will endeavor to make all decisions by
consensus. Where the Steering Committee or Working Group cannot reach consensus with respect to a particular
decision, the Steering Committee or Working Group will make that decision by a Supermajority Vote of the Steering
Committee or Working Group Participants, as applicable..."