
publicKeyMultibase doesn't appear to be showing in the did document resolver

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hmm seems to be down right now, so I can't try it myself. Could you share the full DID document?

Normally, "publicKeyMultibase" should be supported by the UI, see here:

Yes, apologies that domain is my ngrok tunnel domain so I need my local setup booted. Here is the full document

  "@context": [
  "controller": "",
  "id": "",
  "keyAgreement": [
  "service": [
      "accept": [
      "id": "#didcomm",
      "serviceEndpoint": "",
      "type": "DIDCommMessaging"
  "verificationMethod": [
      "controller": "",
      "id": "",
      "publicKeyMultibase": "z8FRmkyRH9xAsLCk51yXN2Qy6uq4eN4iAesa3v3Hv889v",
      "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2020"
      "controller": "",
      "id": "",
      "publicKeyMultibase": "z7bNjXnt3EXhpy7UdzZUANa2CsBFpzKGFXsgvkBd9iHGo",
      "type": "X25519KeyAgreementKey2020"

Ok, I think I've determined this is a json-ld problem after looking at it on the playground. I guess I need a context for those suite types. Searching for them now..

hmm added "" as a context but that doesn't seem to resolve the issue

@brianorwhatever I think this has been fixed now in 1a17332.

The latest version is already deployed at Could you check, and if you agree, close the issue?

Looks great, thanks for the fix @peacekeeper !