
add prettier to starter kit

peterpeterparker opened this issue · 5 comments

Affected part of DeckDeckGo

  • Starter kit

Feature Description

I ran a poll on Twitter and 93% of voters are for Prettier as default formatter for the starter kit.

Therefore we should process, voters have spoken.

Hey @peterpeterparker,
Which prettier config would you want to use for the starter kit?
The same as the one being used in the main repo?

I would say yes @thomasledoux1 or maybe with the extra css part from this one

but I am open to suggestion of improvements, if you've got idea, totally open

Sure, we can add the CSS part from the Figma plugin.
I personally start from the prettier config from Kent C Dodds, because I really trust that he uses the best tools and rules in general :), but some rules may not apply here (like the JSX specific rules).

Works for me too, maybe can we use 140 as length instead of 80?

For the rest why not, we would just have to test it by formatting the index.html of the starter, which is the important part, works fine. Just to be sure that nothing conflicts but I guess it should be fine.