
clarify license limitations

psifertex opened this issue · 1 comments

Need to clarify the limitations around others using existing licenses for IDA/BN given the respective license limitations. Will add to documentation page.

It should be noted that the public service is being run with the express permission of the commercial entities involved and we do not intend for other public versions of this website to be run or supported. In particular, third-parties running their own copy will run afoul of the specific license limitations on time-sharing services and derivative works in BN and Hex-Rays respectively.

Vector 35 has custom "headless" licenses that may be used for longer-term internal deployments, but for other usage please contact us.

I'll coordinate with Ilfak to clarify their intentions regarding licensing and whether they require a special license, or their standard license terms apply and third-parties are not granted release from existing EULA restrictions.

Once I've done that, we'll want to update the documentation to clarify our respective positions.