
Is there a way to view Sphinx preparer build output from the local deconst-client build?

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Maybe this is in the deconst-client documentation, but if I wanted to see the output of the build to see if there are Sphinx errors, where/how can I check that -- in the deconst-client container logs?

I can always build locally with Sphinx, but if I bypassed that step and only use deconst, would like to see the build output to troubleshoot problems in navigation or content that might be a result of "non-severe" Sphinx errors.

There is indeed, through docker-machine and the docker CLI. I've got a brief section in the README about it, but basically it's:

# Set environment variables so that "docker" talks to the Deconst client VM in this terminal
eval "$(docker-machine env deconst-client)"

# See which containers are running.
docker ps -a

# The container you're looking for is called "preparer-content-<some number>".
# There isn't a *great* way to tell which one is which if you have a few repositories active; you
# can trigger a change and then see which one starts up again, for example.

# Once you know which container is yours, you can watch the output live with:
docker logs -f preparer-content-<some number>

# Just leave off the "-f" after the build is finished to see the full Sphinx log.
