YAML for Java 8 and above. A user-friendly OOP library. Previously known as "Camel".
Pinned issues
- 11
Java Beans To YAML,toString Is empty
#541 opened - 3
Printing: Maintain Format Of Folded Sequence
#540 opened - 2 Implement the toString() for ...
#539 opened - 1 There's a missing condition i...
#538 opened - 4
Release 7.0.0
#533 opened - 2
- 2
- 9
- 4
Release 6.1.3
#528 opened - 11
- 7
Release 6.1.2
#524 opened - 3
- 3
Release 7.0.1
#521 opened - 7
Support Spring property reference notation
#518 opened - 5
- 5
Help: about the format
#516 opened - 4
Release 6.1.0
#515 opened - 10
Add Option For Mutable Builders
#512 opened - 5
Release 6.1.1
#510 opened - 4
Release 6.0.3
#508 opened - 4
Incorrect key value returned from the mapper
#507 opened - 3
- 3
Javadocs Error / Builder problem
#503 opened - 5
Release 6.0.2
#500 opened - 7
Duplicate Keys do not throw errors
#499 opened - 8
Blank Line Comments skipped
#498 opened - 6
Ghost Comments
#497 opened - 19
Support bracket notation for mapping keys
#494 opened - 7
Escape asterisk as yaml sequence value
#493 opened - 4
the yaml node is not a yaml mapping
#492 opened - 3
Preserve yaml line in node
#491 opened - 6
Support for Single Line Sequences
#489 opened - 6
Scalar issue regarding quoted colons
#488 opened - 6
- 8
How to construct such yaml
#484 opened - 3
Release 6.0.1
#483 opened - 25
Multi-line text reading error
#480 opened - 14
Example 8.4 Chomping Final Line Break
#479 opened - 4
Cannot write scalars to a map
#478 opened - 4
Release 6.0.0
#477 opened - 3
Release 5.2.3
#475 opened - 11
YamlStream Document Comment Repeats On Print
#473 opened - 3
Release 5.2.2
#472 opened - 10
Change Yaml Comment
#469 opened - 3
Rename ReadScalarComment to Concatenated
#465 opened - 4
- 3
- 3
- 3
Introduce interface ScalarComment
#458 opened - 3