
Install error: 'husky: command not found'

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, thank you for your great work.
I have just attempted to install this library (version 1.0.4 and newer) and got following error:

error /.../node_modules/ruls: Command failed.
Exit code: 127
Command: husky install
Directory: /.../node_modules/ruls
/bin/sh: husky: command not found
info Visit for documentation about this command. 

Seem there is problem with postinstal hook "postinstall": "husky install", which should not run in production but runs.
By removing this hook, everything works as intended.

Thank you in advance for fixing this issue.

parweb commented

same for me version ruls@1.2.0
I use a monorepo structure where .git is in the root

error /app/packages/back-end/node_modules/ruls: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: husky install
Directory: /app/packages/back-end/node_modules/ruls

parweb commented

any progress on this ?