
Non-existant file still gets its success callback called

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The following prints out "shouldnthappen"

$script('doesntExist.js', function() {
}, function(notFound) {

This makes me think script.js isn't in any way production ready.

ded commented

this is a valid concern but with all respect leave your sarcasm elsewhere. your request to change core is an opinion of which has been purposely decided in the library to load non-existent or errored files. you would otherwise never receive a callback and may mistakenly attempt to wait for an event that may never occur. it's up to the developer to make sure their scripts load properly.


$('', function () {
  if (typeof $ !== 'undefined') ready()
  else $script('/js/jquery.js', ready)

@ded I'm sorry I offended you. But, I was not being sarcastic in any way. The documentation for this library in no way mentions this (apparently expected) behavior, and given that it very unintuitive, it concerned me. I take error handling seriously, and want the libraries I use to take it seriously too.

ded commented

no worries. consider taking the above approach. it's a common approach other script loaders take

Will do, thanks

kzap commented

+1 just read this now, pls update README to indicate callback will fire in the event of failure to load the script, been searching for hours for this answer

@kzap - I believe this behavior exists in script.js because older browsers don't support the onerror callback. Here's a script loader for modern browsers (IE9+) that has the same API as script.js and adds support for success/fail callbacks

kzap commented

@amorey the behaviour is fine, the documentation could be more verbose :)