
Support for data attributes

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Is it possible to pass in data-* attributes when loading a script?

For example, Pinterest's pinit.js accepts a data-pin-hover attribute:

script type="text/javascript" src="//" data-pin-hover="true"

How could this be achieved using script.js?

ded commented

interesting... there's no way to do this currently... but i'm sure support to get it in wouldn't be too hard

I could work on this data-* idea for the $script script tag... It's really neat! and again, it could also apply to script tags created and appended as deps by $script

Already built in support for data-* attributes on the script tag. However, i erroneously pushed this feature under a wrong issue title (#76). So i will push again under a new issue title and see how it goes from here

ehoch commented

Any chance we could consider merging this? It's needed for Pinterest on our site as @wesleymusgrove mentioned. @isocroft can I check out the code you have for this?

Somewhat related, I'd like to be able to set the crossorigin attribute--maybe the feature could support setting arbitrary attributes?

EDIT: Looks like there's an open issue already: #40

@flushentitypacket I've been working on a variant of script.js that's optimized for modern browsers (most notably it supports load failure callbacks). If you're interested we could add it there via a crossorigin: true flag:

@amorey Looks awesome, I'll check it out.

Anything new on that one? I can come up with a quick pull request for that one, if any of you guys won't mind.