As you noticed there are 2 for Arch Linux. At some point I will be concentrating on the Arch-Linux only
refer to install scripts what packages needed to install... but atleast, Hyprland packages is needed 😏😏😏 duh!!
- All screenshots are collected here Screenshots
why? Generally, alot of users, especially new users are confused with my original layout. In which waybar, dunst, swaylock, etc are inside ~/.config/hypr , which is originally meant for Hyprland configuration only.
This would ultimately mean much easier for users to use other waybar, or hyprland dots from other Hyprland users who are sharing their dotfiles. - (Make me sad, although, I am still glad you tried my install script and dotfiles)
But my main reason for creating this repo, is that, in the future, I will be focusing only into one repo, as I aimed to just download and install this repo for any install script that I will be using or wanted to share. Less maintainance for me and to avoid errors.
Users of my Hyprland install scripts, Arch-Hyprlands, Fedora-Hyprland, Debian/Ubuntu-Hyprland, upgrade to these dotfiles/configuration to replace their previous dots.
- To easily track changes, I will be updating the changelogs. CHANGELOGS Screenshots will be included if worth it!
Note! The auto copy script will create backups of intended folders to be copied. However, still a good idea to manually backup just incase script failed to backup!
~/.config (btop, cava, dunst, foot, hypr, swappy, swaylock, waybar, wofi) - These are folders to be copied.
~/Pictures/wallpapers - Will be backed up
clone this repo by using git. Change directory, make executable and run the script
git clone https://github.com/JaKooLit/Hyprland-Dots.git
cd Hyprland-Dots
chmod +x copy.sh
- Backup your existing folders in ~/.config (advisable)
- copy all contents of configs into ~/.config, overwriting all
- copy contents of wallpapers into ~/Pictures/wallpapers/ (create wallpapers folder if required)
- make the Hyprland scripts executable
chmod +x $HOME/.config/hypr/scripts/*
- Make sure to execute initial symlinks else dunst, wofi and waybar will fail to launch
ln -sf "$HOME/.config/waybar/configs/config-default" "$HOME/.config/waybar/config"
ln -sf "$HOME/.config/waybar/style/style-dark.css" "$HOME/.config/waybar/style.css"
ln -sf "$HOME/.config/dunst/styles/dunstrc-dark" "$HOME/.config/dunst/dunstrc"
ln -sf "$HOME/.config/wofi/styles/style-dark.css" "$HOME/.config/wofi/style.css"
ln -sf "$HOME/.config/wofi/configs/config-default" "$HOME/.config/wofi/config"
- By default I have not set a wallpaper. If using swww, just press SUPER CTRL W and choose wallpaper. Once you reboot or logged out, the last wallpaper will be loaded by swww automatically.
- If not using swww, edit ~/.config/hypr/Execs.conf and set using swaybg
- Nvidia Owners. Make sure to edit your ~/.config/hypr/configs/ENVariables.conf if you have set a proper environment already. (recommended). WLR_NO_CURSORS will be activated if nvidia gpu is detected.
- If you have already set your own keybinds, monitors, etc.... Just copy over from backup created before log-out or reboot. (recommended)
- Foot tty fonts after copying dots is broken - Install Fira Code or just restore your previous foot configuration in ~/.config/foot
- Themes are broken when changing dark light - Ensure you have Tokyo Night Dark and Light themes installed and Tokyo Night SE icons or adjust the Dark Light script located in ~/.config/hypr/scripts/DarkLight.sh
- Keyboard shortcuts or customized Keybinds are broken! - Just copy over your previous Keybinds.conf from the hypr-backup in ~/.config/
- Maybe answered already in Help File! SUPER H to launch it!
- If you still have, kindly join my discord for faster communication. See invite link below. If not, open an issue on github
- If you have improvements on the dotfiles or configuration, feel free to submit a PR for improvement. I always welcome improvements as I am also just learning just like you guys!
- Waybar styles (all those new panel styles require some tweaking) - I kindly request assistance 🙏
- ~~After Arch update the hyprland package, will uncomment line 38 to 44 in ~/.config/hypr/configs/Settings.conf. Users of hyprland-git or if compiled from source, you can safely uncomment these lines (group and groupbar)~~ Switched to Hyprland-git for Arch-Hyprland script as Arch dev is not updating its Hyprland repo
- Tweak waybar layouts and Themes
Integrate these dotfiles into my Hyprland install scripts for a centralized configurations
- kindly join my Discord Server https://discord.gg/V2SJ92vbEN
a Star on my Github repos would be nice 🌟
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