How to use a image blob captured from a webcam?
bphein1980 opened this issue · 1 comments
bphein1980 commented
Title says it all. I am capturing a frame from a webcam as a blob. How can I process that blob for super resolution using JS?
There are 2 examples, 1 using file input and other using URL...
(async function() {
var resp = await deepai.callStandardApi("torch-srgan", {
image: document.getElementById('yourFileInputId'),
I dont want to save the image until it is processed for super resolution, so I dont yet have a URL and I am also not using a file input.
DJStompZone commented
To use a blob (captured from a webcam or any other source) with the DeepAI API, you can convert the blob to a File object and then send it in the request.
// JavaScript doesn't have a native Blob to File conversion, but since File inherits
// from Blob, you can create a new File instance from a blob like this:
const blobToFile = (blob, fileName) => {
return new File([blob], fileName, { type: blob.type });
(async function() {
const fileFromBlob = blobToFile(capturedBlob, "captured_frame.jpg");
var resp = await deepai.callStandardApi("torch-srgan", {
image: fileFromBlob,
This approach will allow you to process the captured frame without saving it or having a URL. Hope this helps!