
Blogging site made in corePHP with basic CRUD features

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a simple blogging site. It can also be modified to work without storing any files in its own server.
Works well without javascript except the Markdown Editor.


It consists or should consist :

  • Blog
    • Markdown Editor
    • Storing Files on server (Using a specific format to store blog content, comments and other info in a file)
    • Pagination of Blog or Lazy Loading (Pagination)
    • Imgur Uploading and Fetching link
    • Delete Posts
    • Edit Post
    • Report Post
    • Like, Save And Comment Functionality (Currently Permanent Comments)
    • Admin Verification For Posts
    • Profile Page (basic)
  • All Round
    • Edit Profile(But can't change password)
    • Form Validation
    • Notifications and Chats

Hosted on [intragram.cf]

Markdown Editor, Powered By EasyMDE

That's All !:joy:!