
Update to Node 16

Opened this issue · 4 comments

We're using this action in our project and I noticed that Github Actions issues warnings stating that Node 12 does not receive support anymore as of April 2022, see Github Blog.

I think it's as easy as replacing

  using: 'node12'
  main: 'index.js'


  using: 'node16'
  main: 'index.js'

in action.yml.

Our action started to hang with Waiting for status to be reported, will change to node16 and see if it makes any difference

I was using the name field for one job which caused this, removing it fixed it 🤯

It seems like this repo is no longer maintained. Luckily it's a small action and I was able to clean it up and add it to a workflow using actions/github-script. Here is an example:

The options in the usage example from this repo's readme would go here like this:

const REGEX = new RegExp("([a-z])+\/([a-z])+");
const MIN_LENGTH = 5;
const MAX_LENGTH = 20;
const ALLOWED_PREFIXES = ["feature", "fix", "JIRA"];
const DISALLOWED_PREFIXES = ["feat/", "hotfix"]; 

@deepakputhraya #39 please take a look at this issue and related PR. Thanks