Docs: Penalty term explainer
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Super neat library! The API feels very well-designed 🤩
Reading the documentation, I miss a couple of things.
One of them is a central description about what pen
is, and a general strategy for setting it or getting the right order of magnitude - or reasoning why no such strategy exists.
Perhaps something like (modified from #271)
The penalty value is a positive float that controls how many changes you want (higher values yield fewer changepoints). Finding a correct value is really dependent on your situation, but as a rule of thumb
can be initialized to around [rule of thumb] and tweaked up and down from there.
Existing work
In Binseg and sibling models there's this magic incantation:
my_bkps = algo.predict(pen=np.log(n) * dim * sigma**2)
Was it produced with some rule of thumb?
In the advanced usage, kernel article, it is set twice to values 2 OOM apart:
penalty_value = 100 # beta
penalty_value = 1 # beta
The suggestion in #271 for reading an article is fine; what I lack is a paragraph or two somewhere visible. The penalty term seems important enough to be worth it.
Very good point. I'll the issue open to remind me to add it to the docs (shortly hopefully).
I found this to be the rule of thumb.
penalty_method_dict = {'SIC': p * np.log(time_series_len),
'BIC': p * np.log(time_series_len),
'AIC': p * 2,
'Hannan-Quinn': 2 * p * np.log(np.log(time_series_len))}
@deepcharles Amazing work on the original lib! Great work.