Just some convenience functions for running regressions with R's glm
calculating R-squared.
If the R-package devtools
is installed, this package can be installed by issuing:
Otherwise, download one of the release .tar.gz-files and issue:
install.packages('glm-extras-0.0.3.tar.gz', repos=NULL)
### Simulate data
# Sample size
n <- 10000
# This results in Y~N(0,1)
vr <- 1/sqrt(2)
x <- rnorm(n, sd=vr)
er <- rnorm(n, sd=vr)
prevalence <- 0.1
# We set the threshold corresponding to the prevalence above
th <- -qnorm(prevalence)
# Create the outcome with an error
# x explains ~50% of y
dta <- data.frame(y = x + er, x=x)
# Create cases (about 10% will be y=1)
dta$yth <- as.integer(dta$y > th)
phenotypes <- list('yBin'="Binary y",
'yCont'="Continuous y")
binaries <- c('yBin')
covs <- ""
results <- NULL
for (pheno in names(phenotypes)) {
m <- regCompact(phenotype=pheno, exposure='x', covs='', dta=dta, binary=pheno %in% binaries)
results <- rbind(results, m)
This functionality is useful for calculating various R-squared statistics.
m <- glm(yth~x, data=dta, family=binomial)
mR2 <- R2Wrap(m)
R2.scaleLiability(mR2, prevalence=0.1)
R2.scaleLiability(mR2, prevalence=seq(0.05, 0.15, 0.01))
R2.scaleLiability calculates R-squared according to Lee (2012). Briefly, this method converts the observed scale R-squared (i.e., variance of probability predictions of y=1), and converts this back to the liability scale. It depends on a given prevalence of a binary phenotype, which is most certainly an uncertain parameter.
To my knowledge, it is appropriate when studying the R2 in models where case status is the phenotype is the outcome being modeled. Whether it is appropriate when the outcome phenotype differs from the phenotype defining a case is another question...
If using a linear (gaussian) model to analyse a binary phenotype it is possible
to pass the number of cases (in the meaning of that y=1
) and controls to override
the observed variance calculation in R2.scaleObserved
mR2 <- R2Wrap(m, cases=#, controls#)
If the R2Wrap object is instantiated with a formula, this provides a convenient way
of getting an incremental R2. Note that this formula should adhere to update.formula()
If the model is y ~ x + z
the comparison argument for calculating incremental R2 of x
should be ~ . -x
or . ~ . -x
mR2 <- R2Wrap(m, comparison=.~.-exposure)
R2.scaleLiability(m, prevalence=0.1)
This will compare the model yth~x
against yth~1
. This is equivalent to
m1 <- glm(yth~x, data=dta, family=binomial)
m1R <- R2Wrap(m1)
m2 <- glm(yth~1, data=dta, family=binomial)
m2R <- R2Wrap(m2)
R2.scaleLiability(m1R, prevalence=0.1) - R2.scaleLiability(m2R, prevalence=0.1)
Lee, S.H., Goddard, M.e., Wray, N.R. and Visscher, P.M. (2012), A Better Coefficient of Determination for Genetic Profile Analysis. Genet. Epidemiol., 36: 214-224. https://doi.org/10.1002/gepi.21614
- Removed dependency on R-package
- Fixed missing/misspecified documentation
- Added exception when data contains missing values
- Minor changes to documentation and messages