
Suggestion - F-Droid store

Opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be nice if this app would be available from the F-Droid store

Hey, Nice idea.

However, the F-Droid store has certain requirements that the app doesn't meet. For now, it is not possible for me to make the changes so that the app meets the requirements of F-Droid store.


What changes should the app have?

This is their inclusion policy -

First, I will have to make sure that all the dependencies are FOSS. Then, I'll have to change the Ads Provider and the Donation mechanism.


You could just add a donate button and disable ads, like most apps on F-Droid do, so its fully FOSS for F-Droid users without anti-features.

I would also need to recompile all the libraries I have used from source which would be a pain 😅

Would love if someone could help with this.