
grafana distributed-tracing 查询错误[BUG]

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Search before asking

  • I had searched in the issues and found no similar feature requirement.

DeepFlow Component

Grafana Dashbaord

What you expected to happen

企业微信截图_467a9835-4793-4e78-bf54-cec7ae59340f 用deepflow 自带的grafana tracing 查询报错

How to reproduce

No response

DeepFlow version

No response

DeepFlow agent list

No response

Kubernetes CNI

No response

Operation-System/Kernel version

No response

Anything else

No response

Are you willing to submit a PR?

  • Yes I am willing to submit a PR!

Code of Conduct

目前你使用的版本是什么呀?可以进入 deepflow-agent pod,执行deepflow-agent -v看一下版本详细信息,以及使用的 Clickhouse 是 deepflow chart 包内部的,还是你们自己的呀?如果是你们自己的,用的版本是什么呢?

以及除了 trace 面板外,还有没有其他面板查询时出现报错呢?

agent 是6.3.8 server是6.2.5 二次开发的,没有动过deepflow app/ grafana的部分