
Please update the version of opencsv you are using

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Hello - I am the maintainer of the opencsv project and got an interesting issue last week from a developer who was having a "jar hell" situation. You can read all about it in

The issue is that they are using 1.0.0-beta7 of deeplearning4j which has a dependency on 1.0.0-beta7 of org.datavec:datavec-api which has a dependency on net.sf.opencsv. Sadly your latest version (1.0.0-M2.1) has this same dependency.

The issue is that we moved opencsv from net.sf.opencsv to com.opencsv back in 2014 but it does retain some of the same classes. So a developer using our com.opencsv and deeplearning4j is getting both the com.opencsv.CSVReader and net.sf.opencsv.CSVReader classes and is causing a build error.

Please update your opencsv to the com.opencsv. Hopefully you can use version 3.10 and just have to change your imports. We are up to 5.9 now but in both 4.x and 5.x we have made backward compatibility breaking changes but if you are up to the challenge I would strongly recommend updating to the latest version as there are a lot of new features and optimizations that may interest you.