- 5
- 6
Running python -m pysc2.bin.agent --map Simple64 yields pygame.error: Unable to make GL context current
#308 opened by xinxtm - 0
Entire map
#363 opened by LiZhYun - 1
How could I watch the StarCraft II replays?
#358 opened by issuey - 0
How to get kill count of each unit?
#361 opened by giangbang - 3
- 4
#340 opened by 98luobo - 1
Not Rendering with Nvidia GPU
#357 opened by sablin39 - 1 Error fix
#356 opened by RazorSDU - 2
try to run the first time, but failed.
#354 opened by yogyan6 - 1
- 0
can i run it in Offline?
#352 opened by Olrun - 4
"Failed to connect to the SC2 websocket. Is it up?"
#318 opened by Haoo9988 - 2
pysc2.lib.protocol.ProtocolError: `actions` called while in state: Status.ended, valid: (Status.in_game)
#346 opened by Bonstop - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
How to fast restart game in multiplayer mode
#342 opened by dooliu - 0
- 1
pysc2 rendering crash on ubuntu 18.04
#313 opened by samxu1988 - 1
Support for Version 5.0.X Replays?
#338 opened by windowshopr - 1
Replay dataset sizes for versions.
#341 opened by rahatsantosh - 1
Can't watch replay of custom maps
#309 opened by douglasrizzo - 2
How to run agent with basic ascii renderer?
#311 opened by KingKeet - 0
Error when running a random agent
#320 opened by enochkan - 1
- 1
Checking if action finished?
#322 opened by pablojor - 1
Cannot pass render test in Mac Big Sur 11.1
#324 opened by drmeerkat - 2
Revert the environment one step back
#325 opened by opocaj92 - 1
- 1
- 9
Map Editor older versions
#326 opened by gjcamacho - 0
Raw Unit Y-Axis Assumes Square
#339 opened by iroessle - 1
#305 opened by arunraja-hub - 0
Could not open details for the replay: /tmp/sc-nb_eul9t/StarCraft II/TempReplayInfo.SC2Replay
#337 opened by Timkeeper2018 - 2
RuntimeError: SC2_x64
#336 opened by Timkeeper2018 - 0
How to get the unit_type of the self-designed unit?
#335 opened by liushunyu - 3
pysc2 in google colab
#327 opened by Tonix22 - 0
Proper Camera Width for human plays
#334 opened by flyers - 0
Issue while running on colab
#333 opened by chiggy2402 - 3
absl.flags._exceptions.UnparsedFlagAccessError: Trying to access flag --sc2_run_config before flags were parsed
#317 opened by MislavJuric - 0
RGB pixels are all zero?
#329 opened by tspeterkim - 1
FeatureUnit documentation
#328 opened by ADH-LukeBollam - 1
- 2
How to read old 3.16.1 replays for ML purposes ?
#323 opened by GDelevoye - 4
- 0
Unknown Abilities of Nexus and Fleet Beacon
#316 opened by AlexMorgan3817 - 0
Is there a camera move function to my control unit?
#315 opened by seolhokim - 0
installing pygame separately on conda works for installing pysc2 on ubuntu
#314 opened by jimmy-academia - 2