
[BUG] DPA-2 `nsel` and `three_body_sel` cannot be auto; `three_body_sel` is not checked

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Bug summary

Have to set sel and three_body_sel manually. three_body_sel is not checked.

DeePMD-kit Version


Backend and its version

PyTorch v2.5.0+cu124-g32f585d9346

How did you download the software?

Built from source

Input Files, Running Commands, Error Log, etc.

    "descriptor": {
      "type": "dpa2",
      "repinit": {
        "tebd_dim": 8,
        "rcut": 6.0,
        "rcut_smth": 0.5,
        "nsel": "auto",
        "neuron": [
        "axis_neuron": 5,
        "activation_function": "tanh",
        "three_body_sel": "auto",
        "three_body_rcut": 4.0,
        "three_body_rcut_smth": 3.5,
        "use_three_body": true
      "repformer": {
        "rcut": 4.0,
        "rcut_smth": 3.5,
        "nsel": "auto",
        "nlayers": 3,
        "g1_dim": 5,
        "g2_dim": 5,
        "attn2_hidden": 5,
        "attn2_nhead": 4,
        "attn1_hidden": 5,
        "attn1_nhead": 4,
        "axis_neuron": 4,
        "update_h2": false,
        "update_g1_has_conv": true,
        "update_g1_has_grrg": true,
        "update_g1_has_drrd": true,
        "update_g1_has_attn": false,
        "update_g2_has_g1g1": false,
        "update_g2_has_attn": false,
        "update_style": "res_residual",
        "update_residual": 0.01,
        "update_residual_init": "norm",
        "attn2_has_gate": true,
        "use_sqrt_nnei": true,
        "g1_out_conv": true,
        "g1_out_mlp": true
      "add_tebd_to_repinit_out": false

Steps to Reproduce

Go to examples/water/dpa2 and change nsel values to auto.

Further Information, Files, and Links

No response