
Tutorial works no longer

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, i followed your tutorial up until 3.1 with "Method C: adding an upstream remote"

And both in Windows and Linux I'm getting:

> haxe build.opengl.hxml
src/game/Level.hx:69: characters 26-35 : assets.Layer_Collisions has no field autoTiles
src/game/Level.hx:69: characters 20-35 : You can't iterate on a Dynamic value, please specify Iterator or Iterable
src/game/Level.hx:70: characters 21-28 : assets.Layer_Collisions has no field tileset


> haxe build.directx.hxml
src/game/Level.hx:69: characters 26-35 : assets.Layer_Collisions has no field autoTiles
src/game/Level.hx:69: characters 20-35 : You can't iterate on a Dynamic value, please specify Iterator or Iterable
src/game/Level.hx:70: characters 21-28 : assets.Layer_Collisions has no field tileset

Btw tutorial doesn't mention that you need to run:

haxelib install hscript
haxelib install ldtk-haxe-api
haxelib install heaps-aseprite
bwkam commented

Can confirm, same happens with me on Linux.

I also got stuck on this. Luckily the Readme has the answer.

Run the 'haxe setup.hxml' command in the project root directory. I don't think you need to install anything else manually. Might be worth mentioning on the tutorial website to cross check with the github project Readme as quite a few things have changed. I don't think castle db is even used anymore now that ltdk is included.

Im currently stuck in this line
haxe build.directx.hxml
src/game/assets/CastleDb.hx:3: characters 24-76 : Warning : (WDeprecatedEnumAbstract) @:enum abstract is deprecated in favor of enum abstract

This is just a warning, should be fine. What else is wrong ?

Running in to a different error:

PS BtDoN-Haxe-Heaps> haxe build.directx.hxml       
src/game/Game.hx:44: characters 31-41 : assets.World has no field all_worlds
src/game/Game.hx:84: characters 32-42 : assets.World has no field all_worlds
src/game/Level.hx:67: characters 21-27 : assets.Layer_Collisions has no field render

EDIT: There's a bit in the that's not included in the web tutorial!
running haxe setup.hxml fixed the problem, there's a comment on the web tutorial regarding this as well