

skaae opened this issue · 2 comments

skaae commented

The quantizer doesn't work with q_levels=512. I'm not sure why but, to me it seems that it should. Maybe the epsilon is too small? For q_levels=512 you get quantized values that are 512 not 511.

I find this variant easier to read and it works :

    samples = (q_levels-1)*samples + 0.1
    samples = samples.long()
koz4k commented

Yeah, the epsilon is too small which causes 512 - EPSILON to be the same as 512 in 32 bit floats. Changing EPSILON to, say, 1e-2 should fix the problem.
Your variant skews the quantized data distribution at the edges - very few samples that should get the highest quantization level will get it (only 10% assuming uniform distribution). That's why the epsilon should be small.
This probably doesn't matter that much anyway, but I'd like to avoid such arbitrary choices whenever possible.

koz4k commented

Fixed in #3.