
Some guidance about the code

deercoder opened this issue · 0 comments


This document serves as the guidance of the code, which will help us greatly understand the code well. I read the code, as well as using android studio debugging to track its process. Some process are hidden and it's not easy to track.

Just marking for future reference


Three basic modules:

  • EasySocial: basic module, some POST/GET operation related with facebook(NEED enhancement)
  • EasySocialFacebook: facebook implementation(third-party example)
  • MyFitBitModule: our implementation, bug fixs, adjusted version for fitbit.
  • App: Entry for the main activity/application


when click login
MainFragment -> Fitbit.login -> EasySocialAuthActivity creating -> GetAccessToken
(parseToken etc...)

EasyWebViewClient -> GetAccessToken ->

Fetch information
EasySocialFitbit -> GetUserInfo -> GetAccessToken -> "POST/GET packets"