
'Namespace' object has no attribute 'cookie'

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Probably an issue with SECRETS.txt.
the file looks like this now: (with the numbers letters altered and the cookie redacted)

cookie=datr=JuOSKadJDmdiU8_gn3djr4B; locale=en_US; c_user=[Redacted cookie]wd=882x749

Terminal outputs:

Felipes-MacBook-Air:zzzzz-master felipe$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in
import graph
File "/Users/felipe/Downloads/zzzzz-master/", line 6, in
import flap
File "/Users/felipe/Downloads/zzzzz-master/", line 4, in
import fetcher
File "/Users/felipe/Downloads/zzzzz-master/", line 25, in
class Fetcher():
File "/Users/felipe/Downloads/zzzzz-master/", line 31, in Fetcher
'cookie': secrets.cookie,
AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'cookie'

Yep it's probably an issue with SECRETS.txt. Look at line 14:

with open("SECRETS.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
        vals = line.strip().split('=', 1)
        setattr(secrets, vals[0].lower(), vals[1])

It splits each line at '=' and sets the left part as the attribute name and the right part as the attribute value.
If you just want to get it running you could replace secrets.cookie at line 31 with your actual value which is:
datr=JuOSKadJDmdiU8_gn3djr4B; locale=en_US; c_user=[Redacted cookie]wd=882x749 client_id=88c9g39b

(with the numbers letters altered and the cookie redacted)

The mistake is in your SECRETS.txt file. The cookie field must be something like:
cookie='cookie values here'.
Plus your SECRETS.txt looks really different from mine, make sure to copy it correctly from your browser.