Filed not found. Node: statistics
caviri opened this issue · 5 comments
Thanks so much for this and the documentation. I'm trying to setup it up running it in a server in our lab. Nevertheless I'm having two issues:
- When I run the next warning appears:
(base) kato@dnf-197-82:~/pro/docker/jupyterhub-docker$ docker-compose up
Creating network "jupyterhub_default" with the default driver
Creating jupyterlab-throaway ... done
Creating jupyterhub ... done
Creating reverse-proxy ... done
Attaching to jupyterlab-throaway, jupyterhub, reverse-proxy
jupyterlab-throaway |
jupyterlab-throaway exited with code 0
reverse-proxy | 2019/10/21 15:09:22 command traefik error: field not found, node: statistics
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:22.490 JupyterHub app:1667] Using Authenticator: jupyterhub.auth.PAMAuthenticator-0.9.3
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:22.490 JupyterHub app:1667] Using Spawner: dockerspawner.dockerspawner.DockerSpawner-0.10.0
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:22.492 JupyterHub app:1014] Loading cookie_secret from /srv/jupyterhub/jupyterhub_cookie_secret
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:22.511 JupyterHub proxy:431] Generating new CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN
jupyterhub | [W 2019-10-21 15:09:22.512 JupyterHub app:1171] No admin users, admin interface will be unavailable.
jupyterhub | [W 2019-10-21 15:09:22.513 JupyterHub app:1172] Add any administrative users to `c.Authenticator.admin_users` in config.
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:22.513 JupyterHub app:1199] Not using whitelist. Any authenticated user will be allowed.
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:22.559 JupyterHub app:1849] Hub API listening on http://jupyterhub:8081/hub/
jupyterhub | [W 2019-10-21 15:09:22.560 JupyterHub proxy:565] Running JupyterHub without SSL. I hope there is SSL termination happening somewhere else...
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:22.560 JupyterHub proxy:567] Starting proxy @ http://:8000
jupyterhub | 15:09:22.862 - info: [ConfigProxy] Proxying http://*:8000 to (no default)
jupyterhub | 15:09:22.863 - info: [ConfigProxy] Proxy API at
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:23.553 JupyterHub app:1870] Starting managed service cull_idle
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:23.553 JupyterHub service:302] Starting service 'cull_idle': ['python', '/srv/jupyterhub/', '--timeout=3600']
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:23.556 JupyterHub service:114] Spawning python /srv/jupyterhub/ --timeout=3600
jupyterhub | 15:09:23.567 - info: [ConfigProxy] 200 GET /api/routes
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:23.567 JupyterHub proxy:301] Checking routes
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:23.567 JupyterHub proxy:370] Adding default route for Hub: / => http://jupyterhub:8081
jupyterhub | 15:09:23.569 - info: [ConfigProxy] Adding route / -> http://jupyterhub:8081
jupyterhub | 15:09:23.570 - info: [ConfigProxy] 201 POST /api/routes/
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:23.570 JupyterHub app:1906] JupyterHub is now running at http://:8000
jupyterhub | [I 2019-10-21 15:09:23.701 JupyterHub log:158] 200 GET /hub/api/users (cull_idle@ 8.71ms
reverse-proxy | 2019/10/21 15:09:23 command traefik error: field not found, node: statistics
reverse-proxy exited with code 1
In any case when I try to access to the IP that I defined in the .env
as the HOST it turns back an ERR_CONECTION_REFUSED
Any idea of what could be wrong? I generated TLS certificates and place it correctly. Thanks in advance!
This error is strange:
reverse-proxy | 2019/10/21 15:09:22 command traefik error: field not found, node: statistics
have you modified docker-compose.yml
Yes, I modified it minimally. Changing the path where my certificates are:
- /private/etc/certs:/etc/certs
I clone again the repo and the same error appears.
Maybe a noob question but I'm not familiarised with traefik, can I use my actual IP in HOST?
# The server where this JupyterHub server is hosted
Yes, I modified it minimally. Changing the path where my certificates are:
- /private/etc/certs:/etc/certs
I don't think it is related to this.
Maybe a noob question but I'm not familiarised with traefik, can I use my actual IP in HOST?
# The server where this JupyterHub server is hosted HOST=XX.XX.XX.31
Yes. That means you will type your IP address in the browser address bar. Again, it doesn't seem related to this.
Oh, wait, stupid me!
The traefik version is not pinned in docker-compose.yml
! There is a known issue with Traefik 2.0, see #9. The quick solution is to pin down traefik to some 1.x version, like this:
image: traefik:1.7
The long term solution is to update this configuration to Traefik 2.0. I shall look into that at some point.
Yes! Now it works! Thanks so much for your help!