
Add more examples (games)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Just wanted to throw out an idea of adding links to games created by community to Some sort of "learn by example" and also "look they are 2-4 years old but they still build and work".

29 games from could be a great learning material. Last time I tried 5-6 of them 10 months ago they were still working and I learned a few interesting techniques from them.

Yes, we want more examples, although the idea of the examples is to show very basic stuff, basically showing an example of a single thing at a time. We do link to the games by Ben James on the Learn page:

Perhaps we could highlight the individual games?

I see them now. This task can be closed then.

I saw that page, but I have been ignoring it, can't even explain why. 🤷

Perhaps we could highlight the individual games?

Makes sense. It will probably be a very long list though.
It would be cool to show a screenshot or a gif of each game on with a link to download the source code.

I think we could add the games to the asset portal:

There are already some of his games on