

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As more and more tools have become best-practice when authoring npm modules, from package.json to .*rc to *file.js, the root directory of projects has become a very loud place. This dot-noise pushes README content farther and farther down the main page of git repos.

screenshot 2015-05-01 21 41 51

What if the above could optionally be simplified to the following?

screenshot 2015-05-01 21 50 12

This is a simple example and that's already about a 30% vertical space savings. I started the conversation over in the npm repo, but I'm also submitting issues to the findup, findup-sync, karma, and travis-ci repos.

@defunctzombie Thanks for your consideration.

@shannonmoeller I am not against this but would only do it if the other projects were interested. I also don't feel that strongly about it and don't find the root dir file clutter a serious problem.

hax commented

@defunctzombie Wait other projects and other project wait others cause a DEAD LOCK.