
How to specify N latest versions for browsers in .zuul.yml?

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Am I missed something in documentation? But I couldn't find any information how to specify N latest versions.

vvo commented

What does "N latest versions" means? Can you be more specific @dfilatov

For instance, I'd like to specify: three latest available versions of Chrome

vvo commented

No it's not possible but that's a great idea!

What would be the API for such a feature?

Maybe something like this: version: latest(3)

vvo commented

Not sure this is YAML compatible.

We need to find a good way to do what you want to do and having an API that is ok in yaml and JS.

I believe you'll find the best way to do what I want. )

btw, thanks for great tool!

vvo commented

I just find it hard to find an API to express "latest 3 versions" that is easy to parse while being readable, while not being "latest 3 versions" :)

Take a look how such cases are specified in autoprefixer: last 2 versions.

vvo commented

woo browserlist is amazing, we could leverage it maybe and then map to saucelabs browsers

It would be awesome!

vvo commented

It would be awesome!

If you feel adventurous, take some time to do a PR. Will not do it 😸

+1 for this feature. Would certainly accept a PR. Dunno if/when we will be able to get to it tho.

mcous commented

I think this issue can be closed since #231 added this functionality in v3.4.0.