
Requests to test server from Sauce Labs

tgvashworth opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey. Thanks for this great tool.

I'm trying to test HTTP requests from the browser back to a test server, started with the server key in .zuul.yml.

Locally this works file as there is no tunnelling, but the requests are failing from Sauce Labs because the URL is HTTPS and it's rejecting making non-HTTPS cross-origin requests.

Is there a way I can hit my local test server (running on ZUUL_PORT) from Sauce Labs over HTTPS?

And, how do I know what the hostname of the local server is? Can I just use localhost?

Ugh, sorry, just after I wrote this I figured it out — the zuul test page is also acting as a proxy to the test server. It's working!

Did I miss some documentation of this?