Wrap guide
Closed this issue · 5 comments
jacobmischka commented
I know this was addressed in #49, but it seems to be back?
jacobmischka commented
In addition, esc also seems to not be closing zen for me either.
braver commented
Yes, esc should not exit Zen. Wrap guides should be hidden though...
jacobmischka commented
Oh, okay. I just saw that line in #49 and noticed it wasn't working, I should have actually read the issues it was referring to. My mistake.
I see that the css that's supposed to hide the wrap guide is present in the stylesheets, but I don't know why it doesn't seem to be working.
ntessore commented
@jacobmischka I was able to hide the wrap guide with
[data-zen="true"] {
atom-text-editor::shadow .wrap-guide {
visibility: hidden;
in my personal stylesheet.
braver commented
Oh, the wrap-guide is inside the shadow dom. That would explain matters...