New release with the fix for PHP 8 support
slawn opened this issue · 4 comments
Now that the fix is in place for the PHP8 - is it possible to get a new release published so that we can grab it from composer? Right now the latest release is from April 2021. Thanks
Looking at the diff between the last release and master, there's no breaking changes, so the next version number will be v2.4.0.
Edit: Actually, we are changing the type of exception that secureRandom throws when the caller requests 0 octets, but hopefully that's okay.
Rather than build and test the phar with all versions of PHP, I'm only going to support PHP 8.1+ for phar builds and tests. Otherwise I have to pull down older versions of box, depending on the PHP version, which is arguably unnecessary complexity. Barring any future security vulnerabilities, users of old PHP versions that rely on the phar can use the older releases of this library. Remember to mention this in the next release's notes.
v2.4.0 has been released!