
Proposal: greater middleware control

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Our plugin currently applies the express.static middleware to one or more routes (entry points) and then optionally applies additional middleware specified in the plugin config file. The issue with this is that some middleware (like express-interceptor) needs to applied before the express.static middleware. So we need a way to control if a particular middleware is applied before or after the static middleware. The most straightforward and flexible way I can think of doing this is to simply do away with the entryPoints configuration option for this plugin and just treat everything as middleware (express.static is itself middleware, after all). An example configiuration:

    port: 3001,
    currentDirectory: __dirname,
    middleware: [
	    route: '/',
	    fn: myInterceptorMiddleware
            route: '/',
            fn: express.static('../patternlab')
            route: '/api',
            fn: myApiMiddleware

This was resolved in 1.3.7.