Error on creating the output
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Loading required package: methods
Warning message:
In scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, :
EOF within quoted string
Error in [.data.frame
(addresses, , :
undefined columns selected
Calls: unique -> [ -> [.data.frame
Execution halted
Hi, can you please report the code along with an input CSV file (even if one of the examples) so that I can recreate the problem in order to help troubleshoot your issue?
Hi Cole,
Thanks for getting back to me,
- I went to the Specific Folder in CMD
By using CD C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\CDM v5.0\New folder - since I'm using windows I replaced "$PWD" with "%cd%"
docker run --rm=TRUE -v "%cd%":/tmp degauss/geocoder GeoCodesSample.csv address
sample data attached, data is de-identified so I don't expect it to return actual results.
Thanks, looks like you are running everything correctly except that you should be using Address
instead of address
in your call. The tool is looking for the column called address
, but can't find it -- we could probably make a more friendly error message for this case. Closing for now as I tried to reproduce locally and correcting the call fixed the problem. Please reopen if you have any other questions.