
Feature Request: Progress

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

Thanks a lot for such amazing tool and I'd like to know if you have in your roadmap any "progress" feature. Something like we have on gobuster example below.

Progress: 26 / 93381 (0.03%)

Hi Ricardo. There is one already implemented (the ETA is not very accurate yet). Did you pull the last version?

Captura de pantalla 2019-05-07 a las 20 06 36

Thanks for using it. BTW, I'm planning to heavy rewrite some parts this summer.

I've installed following the README instructions (git clone --depth=1 but I cannot see the progress like you.
From the difference between your output and mine it seems if you ban another code (e.g. 403) it'll disappear with the progress.


Actually I did a test point to my own domain and I was able to see the progress. Not sure why just for this host. If I find the issue I'll let you know.

Noticed that for that host when I banned 403 the progress apear only on 404 responses.
Since most of the responses were 403 I couldn't see the progress all the time.
It seems the solution would be add the progress for all responses banned.
I'll if I can take a look on the source code later.

404 | 762 | 53356 | 410 | text/html | [57%]

Can I combined -b with -s? It doesn't seems be work to me.
Passing "-b 403 -s 762" I'm still seeing responses with size 762.

404 | 762 | 1 | 355 | text/html | [ 0%] - 00h00m00s - https://...

I usually filter that with egrep -v but a native feature is much better. :)

Yes, you can mix them. I already filter by size and is working for me. But I just banned 403 only and can confirm is not filtering by size, so I'll fill a issue. Thanks.

Noticed that for that host when I banned 403 the progress apear only on 404 responses.
Since most of the responses were 403 I couldn't see the progress all the time.
It seems the solution would be add the progress for all responses banned.
I'll if I can take a look on the source code later.

404 | 762 | 53356 | 410 | text/html | [57%]

I've been taking a look on this issue and it appears to be an overwhelmed flood on console output (due to not filtering 404's codes) that it is unmanageable.

Having a test condition like this: "and task.response_size % 10 == 0:", makes the progress appears again.

It is rare someone is interested in not filtering 404 codes (well, in pentest we know corner cases are not so rare :)

Nevertheless, this is not the way a program should behave and I'll put in on the backburner for a later consideration.