
Program ends before trying all keywords on payload

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I've been running the file with different options.

When I use the large files (raft-large-directories.txt) it stops suddenly after some seconds, sometimes after few minutes, it never reaches the end of the file. I did try delay time, from 1 to 5 and the behavior didn't change.

It shows the regular message "Finished". What can I do?

Looking into it. Hard to testing because one has to wait for a long time before getting an error. At first view seems like a queue problems. I suggest that whilst it is solved you might split big files into multiple smaller ones. Thanks for reporting.

I see. May I know about your set up? Python version, system...Does it happen every time?

Got it running in a Kali VM with large payloads, and everything were fine. Is gonna be a hard to reproduce bug but definitively we've got an issue here and we will look into it (another, private report, tell us a related problem). For now, splitting large payloads seems to be a reasonable workaround in the meantime.

In next commits we will push a better logging and exception support as a long time planned (but not scheduled) feature, it should help us tracing this nasty guy.

Saludo y gracias, amigo.

Closing, as extensive test has been performed in Python2/3 and several and heterogeneous systems without a remarkable freeze in a while.