What is "Outputs"?
Opened this issue · 2 comments
maorcc commented
In the home-assistant Pima addon logs I see that about 10 seconds after every change in the arming state, there is a change in the "Outputs" field. What are the Outputs? Can we please document that either in the README or inside the code itself?
maorcc commented
@deiger, more specifically, I do not understand the following output. As you can see, the alarm is in "home1" armed state, and there is an open zone (i.e., zone 2) that triggered the alarm, but there are no values in Alamred Zones.
Why are there no Alarmed Zones when there are Open Zones while the alarm is in an Armed state?
Why are there so many values in the Outputs field? What do they mean?
"logged in":true,
"open zones":[2],
"alarmed zones":[],
"bypassed zones":[],
"failed zones":[],
"partitions": {"1":"home1","2":"disarm","3":"disarm","4":"disarm","5":"disarm","6":"disarm","7":"disarm","8":"disarm","9":"disarm","10":"disarm","11":"disarm","12":"disarm","13":"disarm","14":"disarm","15":"disarm","16":"disarm"},
"failures":["Low Battery"],
"command ack":true,