
afc (with currly brackets)

jobe451 opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for these awesome snipptes. The one I would need most, is missing.

That is really a minor issues, the same can be achieved with "afe" and deleting the return of course.

afc (with currly brackets);

() => {

1.8.0 version was released 😎

I've included it under the name of afee (arrowFunctionExplicitEmpty) to preserve the "arrow function explicit" naming convention when using curly brackets.

Thanks for your report and please let me know if works well.

Thanks a lot!!!! Awesome!

@jobe451 definitely you are right from the beginning.
I've been using cv + afee too much and it's really annoying to use two snippets for that.

So, today I decided to add a shortcut with:

  • caf constant arrow function
  • caft constatn arrow function with return type (typescript)

Version 1.9.0 is available.