
Consider BATS for tests

Opened this issue · 3 comments

helgi commented

If the intent is to stick with shell then it could be interesting to look at for tests to reduce the need for basic scaffolding on the test suite of the world

I currently am using roundup (built in with Rerun). I'd probably want to move support for BATS into rerun itself if I did this... thoughts?

helgi commented

Hmm I'd have to look at roundup more, I have a brief look at the rigger tests but didn't notice it was using that. Guess it depends if we feel it adds anything above and beyond roundup :)

I've used BATS extensively with Chef (mostly Test Kitchen) and it works out pretty well (not that I'd use it again for a configuration management tool specifically) and it added ton of boilerplate that was useful in Shell type setups.