
attaching ` "false"` still makes the app routable

bacongobbler opened this issue · 5 comments

Given the following service and pod:

><> k --namespace=go get svc go -o yaml | grep routable "false"
><> k --namespace=go get po
NAME                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
go-web-1352584931-xvvl9   1/1       Running   0          3m

If I attempt to hit the router for that app, it still accepts traffic:

><> cat /etc/hosts | grep go  k8s.local deis.k8s.local deis-builder.k8s.local deis-workflow-manager.k8s.local deis-minio.k8s.local go.k8s.local foo.k8s.local bar.k8s.local car.k8s.local star.k8s.local www.k8s.local
><> curl go.k8s.local
Powered by Deis
Release v5 on go-web-1352584931-xvvl9

Is there a value I can pass to the annotation to disable routing, or do I have to completely remove the annotation from the service to drop requests?

Hmm, even if I completely remove the annotation it seems like the router doesn't pick up on this.

helgi commented

Are you looking at the labels or annotations? in your controller code you are using labels

Labels, sorry.

Wow... really, wow...

I can confirm this bug. I'm looking into it.

Oh wait... @bacongobbler already did.