
Deis-router not working on OpenStack

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I have an OpenStack installation with two VM m1.large.
I followed then

Everything installs fine expect the service "deis-router" which does not seem to start correctly.

$ kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                     CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                            AGE
deis          deis-router        <pending>     80/TCP,443/TCP,2222/TCP,9090/TCP   13s

replace "LoadBalancer" by "NodePort" in the file ~/.helmc/workspace/charts/workflow-v2.5.0/manifests/deis-router-service.yaml
And restart the service:

kubectl delete -f deis-router-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f deis-router-service.yaml

The controller is then accessible through NodePort:

deis register http://deis.<my floating IP>

That's interesting because the v2.5.0 (and every chart before it) has always specified a hostPort in the deployment manifest. Perhaps this is something openstack-specific but with those hostPort entries the container should be directly accessible without any modifications required on port 80.

Can you confirm that you can use deis register http://deis.<my floating IP> FWIW we have to use this workflow for vagrant installs as well because of no load balancers being provisioned on that provider as well (of course).

Also note that this is documented in

If you do not have an load balancer IP, the router automatically forwards traffic from a kubernetes node to the router. In this case, use the IP of a kubernetes node and the node port that routes to port 80 on the controller.

Deis requires a wildcard DNS record to dynamically map app names to the router. Instead of setting up DNS records, this example will use If your router IP is, its url will be The URL of the controller component will be

@bacongobbler I cannot use deis register http://deis.<my floating IP> Only deis register http://deis.<my floating IP>
deis-router service does not start at all if set as "LoadBalancer". It starts if set as "NodePort".
I found this doc, that might help:

Workaround :
Use Haproxy as an extra proxy(I have it on separate host):

  log   local0
  log   local1 notice
  #log loghost    local0 info
  maxconn 4096
  user haproxy
  group haproxy

  stats enable
  stats uri /haproxy?stats
  stats realm Strictly\ Private

  log     global
  mode    http
  retries 3
  timeout client 400s
  timeout connect 10s
  timeout server 400s
  option dontlognull
  option httplog
  option redispatch
  balance  roundrobin
  maxconn 20000

# Set up application listeners here.
listen ssh
  mode tcp
  server deis-git-MINION_1_IP MINION_1_IP:31642 check port 31642
  server deis-git-MINION_2_IP MINION_2_IP:31642 check port 31642
  timeout  client 1h

listen http
  mode http
  server deis-http-MINION_1_IP MINION_1_IP:32257 check port 32257
  server deis-http-MINION_2_IP MINION_2_IP:32257 check port 32257

listen https
  mode http
  server deis-http-MINION_1_IP MINION_1_IP:31912 check port 31912
  server deis-http-MINION_2_IP MINION_2_IP:31912 check port 31912

high ports are taken from deis-proxy service

@DavidSie Thanks, I'll try.
You run it on a separate host: is it another VM? Can it be collocated on the K8S master VM?
Another question:

  server deis-git-MINION_1_IP MINION_1_IP:31642 check port 31642
  server deis-git-MINION_2_IP MINION_2_IP:31642 check port 31642

This means HAProxy will check each minions if the port is open?

This seems like a manifestation of the CNI networking issue with hostPorts showing up again. See deis/registry#64 for more info.

It's an upstream issue with CNI not supporting hostPorts which we rely on in two different locations (registry-proxy and the router). There's nothing we can do on our end other than re-architect the entire platform to work around this issue and wait for a fix.