
Marketplace icon

Opened this issue · 5 comments

The extension currently has a generic icon in the marketplace. It should have a gorgeous @flynnduism Duffle icon in glorious full colour.

Looking at the icon sizes at, I think this format should do the trick:


@itowlson do you have access to upload there? Here's a smaller size if required.


@flynnduism The guidelines recommend minimum 128x128 or 256x256 for retina displays. Can you do me one at 256x256 please? Thanks!

Also for some reason the transparency is not cooperating with the dark theme extension info screen (or is this what you intended? I guess the dark blue might not work on the black background):


(I'm testing with the 2400x2400 image.)

I looked at adapting the logo to work on a black background, as the current shade is lost on black.

screen shot 2019-03-07 at 10 39 18 am

I think white Duffle + the CNAB colors (second from left) makes the most sense. Here's a 256x256 transparent png of that.


@flynnduism This is very weird... when I use this one I don't see an icon at all... no idea why...!