
It's possible to start a REPL session passing a command?

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Hi there, I hope you are doing well.

This is a question (and a suggestion of feature).

I have added an alias on RSpec using pry-byebug, just like this:

# frozen_string_literal: true

RSpec.configure do |rspec|
  rspec.alias_example_group_to :pcontext, pry: true
  rspec.alias_example_group_to :pdescribe, pry: true
  rspec.alias_example_to :pit, pry: true

  rspec.before(:example, pry: true) do |_|
    # rubocop:disable Lint/Debugger
    # rubocop:enable Lint/Debugger

I would like that when using this alias, for example in this line of code:

pit { expect(published_post.published?).to be_truthy }

To session start at the line of the test:

=> 16:     pit { expect(published_post.published?).to be_truthy }

And not on the alias:

From: /opt/hobbyonrails/spec/support/alias.rb:12 :

       8:   rspec.before(:example, pry: true) do |_|
       9:     # rubocop:disable Lint/Debugger
      10:     binding.pry
      11:     # rubocop:enable Lint/Debugger
 => 12:   end
    13: end

To go to the line that I want I need to run this command: step 25. So, I was wondering if there is a way to make this command be executed after the session is started?

Like passing the command as a block, for example:

binding.pry { |_| step 25 }

If there is no way to achieve this and if you think this feature makes sense I would like to make this contribution. If not, I understand and maybe I will create a gem to achieve this.

Thank you for your attencion.

Reading this again, it looks like the right place is StackOverFlow. Thank you anyway